The Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic is preparing an amendment to the VAT Act, which introduces mandatory electronic invoicing for VAT payers from 1 January 2027. The aim of the measure is to digitalize invoicing processes, eliminate tax evasion and speed up the processing of tax documents.

What changes will the amendment bring?

  1. Mandatory electronic invoicing - From 1 January 2027, every VAT payer will be obliged to prepare and receive invoices in a structured electronic format.
  2. Automated processing - Invoices will have to comply with certain standards that will allow their automated processing in information systems.
  3. Online reporting to the tax administration - Payers will be required to send invoice data to the tax administration in real time, which will increase the transparency and efficiency of tax control.

Why is e-invoicing being introduced?

In the Programme Statement, the Government has committed to make the fight against tax evasion more effective. The introduction of e-invoicing is part of measures to improve tax collection and eliminate fraudulent transactions. The amendment is based on the European Directive on the digitalisation of VAT and is expected to contribute to the simplification of the business environment.

What will be the impact on businesses?

  • Reduction of administrative burden - Digital data transmission eliminates the need for manual processing of invoices.
  • Faster and more efficient processing - Digitisation of invoices will speed up business processes and ensure the accuracy of tax documents.
  • Greater transparency - Online invoice reporting increases control over cash flows and minimises the risk of fraud.
  • Requirement to adapt IT systems - Businesses will need to update their invoicing systems to meet the new requirements.

Comment procedure and legislative process

The Ministry of Finance is currently working on a legislative proposal that will be submitted for public comment in the second quarter of 2025. Until 31 January 2025 it was possible to submit comments on the preliminary information via the Slov-lex portal.

We will continue to monitor the legislative process and keep you informed of its progress.